
Evil santa + TDMSG 1.8

Hey guys of the internet, Casber5007 here and yet again i have made another game, this one is called santa stabbing 2014!! Its very simple! Go have a look! Also the drawing meowing stamping has had its biggest update. It now has a main menu! Go have a look at that. If you dont know my scratch name it is kaleb5007. :)


Car Mechanic Simulator 2014

Hey guys of the internet, Casber5007 back today with another review. This time it's Car Mechanic Simulator 2014 for the PC. Do you want to know what this game is about? The name says it all. When you start your new profile you arrive at your workplace, a shed. They must of put time and effort into making this game as the graphics are splendid. As you look up you will see a skylight, which doesn't have just clouds or blueness, it's got a aerial tower and heaps of other cool things. This is how you tell a good game! I have a really good interest in cars and this game goes down to the littlest detail with your work, from changing the oil to taking the car for a test drive, it has it all.

When you finish the career mode you unlock " endless " which allows you to keep getting orders. In the career mode you can unlock different sheds, which in my mind is pretty cool. One downside to this game is the movement of your character. The game is very sensitive and even with the sensitivity all the way down it's still hard to use. This is also annoying when your driving as you do the littlest turn and end up sideways. But all in all I quite love this game. So I rate it 9 / 10 golden nuggets!

Lastly if you have anything to ask like game suggestions or just simple questions feel free to email us at thegamlings@gmail.com.

By casber5007


I made it to youtube!

Well its been a while in the making but i have a youtube channel called Casber5007. I will be posting ios games without face cam or commentary. ( for now ) i would love if you subscribe! Thanks!


Whats up guys! Just to let you know that i am posting all my reviews from gamlingsreviews.blogspot.com on here. They wont be all at once though. I will upload about 2 - 3 a week! Thanks.

Red Dead Redemption: undead nightmare

Well this is RDR undead nightmare. The Mexican zombie shooter where i am addicted! RDR UN is a DLC to the original RDR and even though i haven't played the original i still love this game! ( i bought it in a separate disk than the original RDR. ) all the gory moments when you rip the heads of those stinking zombies. My favourite part about this game is the horses. After your original horse dies you get undead horses. Once those horses dies you can collect " undead horse eyes and undead horse hearts. " that feeling you get when you collect them is hilarious. One thing that was annoying to me was the grave yard scenes those sneaky zombies that get harder and fatter! The first scene your wife and son get turned into zombies, i blame the son for this because he was reading a monster book when your uncle came and ate them! But all in all i adore this game. I would recommend this to anyone but be aware that it is MA 15+ ( in Australia. )  i will rate this 9 out of 10 golden nuggets!

Lastly if you have anything to ask us like game suggestions or just simple questions feel free to email us at thegamlings@gmail.com.

By Casber5007



hey guys of the internet, Casber5007 here and today I just wanna let you know that I have been developing a drawing game called The Drawing Meowing Stamping Game. you can have a look at it here http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/25865036/#player. I would love you to make a remix or comment on it! Thanks!



Geometry Dash

Hey there guys of the internet! Today I will be talking about Geometry Dash. The fun, annoying and rhythm packed game! Just for starters this game is really annoying and you will rage! My favourite part of this game is the music. It goes alongside the game as when you jump a beat plays. Every level's music is different but my favourite song in-game is Electrodynanix by Dj-Nate, back to the gameplay, it's simple. jump, fly and dodge all the annoying obstacles.  Sounds simple? It's not! The levels have a difficulty and even the first level took me a week!

One good feature is the level maker. With this you can make, share and play your levels. People can also like or dislike. With new update coming out about every 2 months and with each updates comes great things. Also from the main screen you can customise your cube and his vehicles. To get more colours and designs you have to complete levels and get coins. Which in my case is hard!

it's easy to get get distracted from what your doing to play this! The developers of this game ( Robtop games ) have clearly put the time and effort into this game to make it what it is today.

All in all I love this game so I will rate it 8 / 10 golden nuggets!

 That's all for today but if you have any suggestions for games for us to review feel free to email us at thegamlings@gmail.com. Hope you enjoyed this and stay cool!

By Casber5007